Related article: coaches nobody would be venture-
some enough to ride on any of
them, yet in the old days pas-
sengers took but little notice of
those which did not result in loss
of life Ranitidine Online or serious injury to limb,
while they took being blocked up
by a snowstorm as one of the
ordinary matters of winter life.
We who in corridor carriages
travel to-day clad in ulsters, with
warm railway - rugs around us,
and with hot tins or steam-pipes
in the carriage, can scarcely realise
the miseries of coach travelling in
winter, while none of us, perhaps,
can realise the hardships brought
about by the awful snowstorm
which began slightly two days
before Christmas Day, 1S36.
The day was Sunday, and the
people returning from evenitf
church had in most parts of Eng-
land experienced no little difficulty
in reaching their homes, while in Ranitidine Buy
the southern parts of England the
tempest raged for five days and
nights. On the Brighton road the
storm was exceedingly severe-
Goodman's Times, which Jefr
Brighton on Christmas Day, was
the first coach to feel the ill effects
of the tempest; but he reached
town. The sentries at the Pavi-
lion were covered with snow is
their boxes, and by eleven o'clock
the few flymen who ventured out
were compelled to utilise two and
three horses. " Some of the
streets," wrote an eye-witness,
•' were completely blocked up by
snow and totally impassable; in
others where the snow drifted,
high ridges were formed at the
side of the road from one end of
the street to the other which were,
in most places, four or five feet
deep. Hundreds of persons had
to dig their way out of doors ;
large masses of snow covered the
tops of Order Ranitidine the houses, Buy Ranitidine and where the
drift was greatest the windows
were completely covered, present-
ing a most singular appearance.
In Gloucester Lane the snow was Cheap Ranitidine
eight or ten feet deep. Tracks
were soon made on the pavements,
and it was a curious sight in some
places to see persons walking be-
tween the houses and these ridges,
their heads just peeping above the
The effect of such a storm on
the roads can be faintly imagined.
All the Brighton coaches and
mails were stuck fast, and the
mail from Gloucester could only
be dragged along by the united
exertions of no fewer than eighteen
sturdy cart-horses. Of snowstorms
both the Duke of Beaufort and
Mr. Colpitts could tell a good
deal, and on the high-lying lands
in the north the Order Ranitidine Online cold was more
intense than in the south. Of
what happened to coaches in bad
weather sixty years ago there are
not now living many to tell us.
Here and there one reads of an
octogenarian coachman turning
up, but with the exception of Mr.
Charles Ward, now well over
eighty years of age, there is pro-
bably not one of the better known
coachmen of the West and
Brighton roads to give their
W. C. A. B.
Robert Abel.
The portrait which adorns the
title page of this volume is that
of the well known and deservedly
popular little cricketer, Robert
Abel, who has now for so many
years done such good work for his
county, Surrey. Born in 1859,
" The Guv'nor " — to call him by
the endearing soubriquet which was
long ago bestowed upon him
by the admiring crowd at Ken-
nington Oval— has Purchase Ranitidine Online been before the
public for some fifteen years, and
by his consistent scoring has gene-
rally been within comfortable
distance of the top of the first
class batting averages. For a
man of his inches — Abel is
one of the smallest of first class
cricketers — his scoring abilities
are exceptional and, gifted as he
is with a rare stock of patience,
and what is perhaps the most
valuable gift of all for a batsman,
good luck, Abel is a man whose
back is always a welcome sight to
the opposing bowlers. Nor indeed
is his value to his side limited to
his innings, for as a slow bowler
he Buy Ranitidine Online has frequently taken wickets
when bowlers of greater renown
have failed, and although his
deliveries look harmless enough,
he has generally secured a fair
crop of wickets by the time that
the season is over, and the aver-
ages are made up.
In his early days he gained a
reputation as a field at short slip,
but of later years he has gone
farther afield, and wherever he be
he misses very few Buy Cheap Ranitidine catches and is
always safe.
It was but natural that such a
good cricketer should be invited
to go to Australia, the first occa-
sion being with the team organised
by Mr. G. F. Vernon in 1887-8,
when, in addition to his cricket
triumphs, he is credited with
having shot a bear. When Lord
Sheffield took his team to Aus-
tralia under the captaincy of the
one and only " W. G.," Abel
formed one of the party, and Purchase Ranitidine here
for a moment we are content to
pause and to listen to George
Giffen, at that time the champion
cricketer of Australia, and to hear
what he says of Abel's play in the
test match at Sydney. " England
responded to our score of 145 with
307. Almost entirely to one man
was Generic Ranitidine a score of that magnitude
due, and that one was Bobby
Abel, who carried his bat through
the innings, the only occasion, I
believe on which it has been done
for England in a test match. His
contribution was 132 ; the next
score to his was 28 ! It was a
perfect display, as fine a one as
I have seen him give ; without
taking the slightest risk, he met
all the bowling with provoking
confidence and made some beauti-
ful strokes." Praise from George
Giffen is praise indeed, and we
need attempt to utter no further
word of commendation of Bobby
In search of further colonial
cricket he was one of the first
team which visited South Africa
when the gold boom was at its